Nanodesktop SDK 0.3.3 – CFW compatibility update, new user guides
Developer Filippo Battaglia (otherwise known as Pegasus2000) dropped by our forums to give us the latest on the Nanodesktop Software Development Kit, now on version 0.3.3.
For those who’ve missed out on the previous releases, Nanodesktop provides homebrew developers with a set of libraries to make coding easier. Check out the full article to find out what’s new.
Download: Nanodesktop SDK v0.3.3
Visit: QJ.NET Nanodesktop Forum Thread
PSP Homebrew developer Filippo Battaglia (a.k.a Pegasus2000) has released a new version of Nanodesktop. Now on version 0.3.3, the program has been upgraded to be compatible with custom firmwares and the PSP Slim.
In case you missed out, Nanodesktop is a software development kit for homebrew developers, giving them a set of libraries to make coding faster and easier. Pegasus2000 has also added an extensive user guide for Nanodesktop in his website.
Nanodesktop v0.3.3 has gone through a lot of changes since the previous version, including support for the Go!Cam. Here are the developer’s notes:
- We have fixed hundreds of bugs.
- This new version of the system adds a new HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) called HAL CFW. It is designed for custom firmwares, either on PSP-FAT or on PSP-SLIM. Now, the nd applications can work on every PSP. The new HAL has been tested on custom firmware version 3.71 M33-4 (in PSP-FAT or in PSP-SLIM).
- The new distribution adds the support for ndSQLLite (a library that manages database), ndSIFT (an alghoritm that allows the recognition of an object), and ndGOCR (a reimplementation of GNU OCR, that can work on PSP).
- The system now supports the Sony GoCam, and not only the Eyeserver technology. In the guide you can find some example about the use of the GoCam with few rows of code.
- Remember that, all applications that are developed on CFW HAL, must be accomplished with the “kernel extender”: it is a driver called ndKrnExtender_v1.Prx and it must be copied in the root folder of the memory stick before starting the new nd application.
- You can find the kernel extender in the download page of the Visilab website.
- New version of the SDK supports also ndHAL_SystemExec to load another homebrew from a homebrew, the pseudoExec function to make easier the porting of software and libraries that have been originally developed for PC, and a faster version of Nanodesktop graphical system.
- The multimedia features include support for WAV and MP3 decoding via Media Engine (hardware accelerated).
- The engine for Text-To-Speech synthesis is ndFLite.
Users are advised to and to visit the Nanodesktop website (linked below) for further documentation. For questions or further discussions on Nanodesktop, please visit our forums.
Download: Nanodesktop SDK v0.3.3
Visit: QJ.NET Nanodesktop Forum Thread
Via Visilab