Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII videos: battle system, Genesis vs. Sephiroth

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII videos: battle system, Genesis vs. Sephiroth - Image 1Things are definitely heating up with Square Enix‘s much-anticipated Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. As a matter of fact, we have five brand new videos for all your viewing pleasure.

Four of these showcase the battle system and one shows off the cinematic battle between Genesis and Sephiroth. Catch all the action after the jump!

Even though we just recently posted three videos on the battle system on Square Enix‘s Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7, we just can’t find it in ourselves not to share these five new videos for all your viewing pleasure.

Four of the videos below show more on the battle system gameplay found in this epic RPG. They might be short in length, but they do make it up when it comes to the content of the video. When you guys get to the last video, it’s going to be a real treat. It’s one glorious cinematic battle between two giants from the game, Genesis and Sephiroth.

Since we don’t want to keep you guys from the videos, we’ll be keeping this chitchat short. Do enjoy all of the videos we have just for you! We promise to give you guys the latest updates on this game as soon as they come.

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