10 French screenshots for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates
Heads up, Final Fantasy fans! We’ve got some new pictures for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates, and they’re extra special. How come? Well, they’re in French and they reveal some of the job classes in the game. See all 10 shots after the jump!
We’ve got some new screenshots for Square Enix‘s Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates, and they’re for the European version of the game. Specifically, some of these screenshots are in French, but you probably won’t mind so much, seeing as we’re all here for the visual goodness.
While some of the pictures show off the story, most of you will probably be interested in the job classes that they’ve got planned. As you can see in the pictures, you can choose from some of the staples, including the warrior and black mage classes.
If you know your French as well, you might be able to uncover part of the plot that’s placed in the pictures. Still, if you can’t read French, there’s enough here to give you a reason to pause, and perhaps get the game as well.
If you’re in North America, know that it’s already out. European folks will have to wait another week (March 21, to be exact) for the game to be released. While you’re waiting, enjoy these screenshots we have for you!
Via Jeux France