Developers preview upcoming EverQuest 2 game update 44
The developers at Sony Online Entertainment have decided to give everyone a sneak peek into the latest game update which will be implemented for EverQuest 2. Many of the changes involve a couple of small tweaks into the game mechanics, as well as a couple of new features the evil races of Norrath will surely enjoy. You can check out the details of the upcoming update in our full article after the jump.
Love and hate play an important role in the latest game update of Sony Online Entertainment’s EverQuest 2. Ever since the appearance of the Shard of Hate on Norrath, many new changes have been brought about by its presence.
The developers decided to give everyone a sneak preview of the latest game update 44 for the game in a recent article post on the EverQuest II Players website. The latest set of changes include a few new game mechanic tweaks, as well as some new features many of the more evil races should enjoy.
Anyway, here’s a quick summary of all the new additions that will be implemented once the new game update goes live:
- Option to display ranged weapons instead of melee. Change your settings under your “Persona” menu in the “Options” sub-menu. This option works for mannequins as well.
- New crafting facilities in West Freeport (Coalition of Tradesfolke).
- Two new armored Wargs available in Kunark.
- Ranged ammunition adjusted to have a minimum level equal to that ammunition’s starting tier. Range weapons no longer scale down unless ammunition’s level is significantly lower than your equipped ranged weapon.
That’s it for this week’s list of updates for the game. The developers have yet to reveal the new screenshots tied to new changes, so come back to this spot from time to time and check in with us for any new information we have regarding EverQuest 2.