NCsoft Europe reveals new Lineage 2 high level area: Steel Citadel
If you’ve been getting bored of the same old instances in Lineage 2, then you might want to know that NCsoft Europe has revealed a new high-level area called the Steel Citadel. To find out more about this new raid, head on over to the full article for more information.
Getting tired of the same old areas in Lineage 2? NCsoft Europe has revealed a new high-level area called the Steel Citadel. This instance should go live when the Collector’s Edition of the game on April 25.
The Steel Citadel in Hellbound is said to be a place where high-level players (the press release recommends level 85) can test their skills. The instance is composed of four different areas called “towers” which must be completed before a showdown with Beleth.
The first area, called the base tower is a two story structure. The first floor is filled with fast spawning monsters which players have to survive to get to the second floor. The second level of the tower acts as a gateway to the three other areas that have to be finished before facing Beleth.
To access Lineage 2‘s Tower of Infinitum, every member of the party will need to possess Fiery Demon Blood, a buff they can get from the Base Tower. This tower is composed of five levels and has two raid bosses, namely, the Demon Prince and Ranku.
After finishing up that level, players are then directed to Tully’s Workshop. Bigger than the last tower, this eight level instance has the raiding party going through a gauntlet of foes ending with an encounter against not only Tully but a set of powerful enemy creatures and raid boss Darion.
If the raiding party managed to survive that, then they can finally move on the the Tower of Naia, which is the home of Beleth. After taking down Epidos, the players will have to take on Beleth itself. Making this encounter more difficult is the fact that a number of fake Beleths will be showing up to make the players’ lives more difficult.
If this sounds like your idea of fun, then you might want to start leveling up in preparation for the instance in Lineage 2. Before we go, you might want to check out some screenshots of the raid to help inspire you through the grind.