Sonic Unleashed’s first gameplay trailer
Sega‘s upcoming Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii) has been a point of curiosity for a while now. A lot of people familiar with the blue speedball are wondering how his werehog transformation will work out. The latest trailer is here and it features the title’s gameplay. It looks like a lot of fun, so see the full article and check out the video.
There was a time when Sonic rivaled even the great Mario himself, but those days are gone and now the blazin’ blue hedgehog is on a quest to restore his old glory. Will Sonic Unleashed (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii) be his ticket back to the big time? Check out the gameplay trailer below and decide for yourself.
Sonic Unleashed looks to deliver the same brand of high-octane platforming fun that all its predecessors had. In this video, the visuals aren’t looking too shabby but we’d be pushing it if we say we haven’t seen better.
In any case, this one should appeal to the young and the young at heart. Sonic still has plenty of charm about him to draw crowds, so you might want to check this one out when it launches.