Sony Custom Theme Converter v1.4
Yep, there’s another surprise coming out from Sony along with the new PSP FW 5.0. This one’s the Sony Theme Converter v1.4, and you can read some more information on it at the full article.
Thanks to akadewboy for the tip!
Download: Sony Custom Theme Converter 1.4
PSP Firmware 5.0 is out and ready for your enjoyment, have you heard? If not, then you’ve got quite a bit of catching up to do because the releases just keep coming.
Yep, apart from the official firmware update, Sony‘s also just released the Custom Theme Converter v1.4. Unfortunately, we’ve checked out the PlayStation US site but there’s no word on this said tool. So we’re basically left with the Japanese site’s details, which we’ve put in here verbatim for your own understanding:
System software version 5.00 or higher will be applied in the PSP ® to create a theme and the theme of creating version please use the tool.
Version and later created a theme of the tools, system software version 3.80 is less than the PSP ® can not be displayed.
We’ll be sure to keep you updated as more details roll in about this release.
Thanks to akadewboy for the tip!
Download: Sony Custom Theme Converter 1.4
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