Old faces, old nemesis, new battle – the launch trailer for Tenchu: Shadow Assassins
Rikimaru and Ayame are now officially back with the release of Tenchu: Shadow Assassins for the PSP thanks to Ubisoft. We’ve had this swift-slaying duo for years, but these old faces have new moves in their all new killing spree missions! Launch trailer comin’ up after the jump!
Rikimaru and Ayame are now officially back with the release of Tenchu: Shadow Assassins for the PSP thanks to Ubisoft. We’ve had this swift-slaying duo for years, but these old faces have new moves in their all new killing spree missions! Launch trailer comin’ up!
Old faces, old nemesis, new moves, and new quests – that’s what this trailer is about. But this trailer doesn’t really reveal much about the game, except for the return of an old foe (was that Onikage?). I guess the previous trailers have already taken care of that. All that’s left is to start playing…or wait for more gameplay vids and reviews to see if this Tenchu title is actually good.
Other trailers: