Warner Bros offers to upgrade your HD-DVDs to Blu-ray

Blu-ray - Image 1From red to blu – that’s the theme for Warner Bros.’ new program which will allow you to upgrade your Warner Bros. HD-DVD titles to Blu-ray. If you’re looking to upgrade your discs and start your very own Blu-ray library, then you might be interested in this offer.

From red to blu – that’s the theme for Warner Bros.’ new program which will allow you to upgrade your Warner Bros. HD-DVD titles to Blu-ray. If you’re looking to upgrade your discs and start your very own Blu-ray library, then you might be interested in this offer.

Red2Blu - Image 1

For only US$ 4.95 per disc, plus up to US$ 8.95 on shipping in some states, the Red2Blu program will upgrade your Warner Bros. HD-DVD to Blu-ray. You don’t even have to send your old HD-DVDs in, all you need to send is their artwork as a proof of purchase, then you can hold on to the disc to watch in another format.

Warner Bros used to ship its titles on both Blu-ray and HD-DVD, but eventually dropped the latter to focus on Blu-ray. Leading HD-DVD supporter Toshiba has also dropped manufacturing for the format, so a lot of folks out there have HD-DVDs that they won’t be able to get a new player for.

As an added treat, participating in the Red2Blu program also entitles customers to a promotional code, which will slash US$ 15 off your next purchase of Blu-ray titles amounting to at least US$ 50 at WBShop.com.

For program mechanics and eligibility, you may refer to the source link below.

Via Red2Blu.com

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