Dev candy: Xbox 360 Dev Kit with 1GB RAM

Xbox 360 devkit - Image 1Xbox-Scene has received exclusive images of an Xbox 360 dev kit armed with a beefy one-gig RAM. This new kit will allow developers more flexibility and use over all the power that existing retail Xbox 360s have while still running on debug tools. More after the jump.

Xbox-Scene has received exclusive images of an Xbox 360 dev kit armed with a beefy one-gig RAM. This new kit will allow developers more flexibility and use over all the power that existing retail Xbox 360s have while still running on debug tools.

Now some may see the big boost in RAM would simply be higher capacity chips on the motherboard, well, it’s not. Let’s hear it straight from the admin’s post on the Xbox-Scene forum:

The extra 512MB comes in the new sidecar. The sidecar is the addon device for dev kits you’ve probably seen before used for dvd emulation and pix ports.

What you can see on the pictures below is just the 512MB-addon taken from inside the new devkit sidecar and modified/wired to be connected as standalone to a dev kit without the rest of the sidecar.

The dev kit itself is an XNA prototype with jasper-based motherboard and because it has been modified to work with the 512MB-addon without the rest of the sidecar we’ll dub it ‘Frankie the 1GB XNA’ 😉

Frankie - Image 1Frankie - Image 2Frankie - Image 3
Frankie and his add-on - Image 1Frankie and his add-on - Image 2

Images courtesy of Xbox-Scene

Read these too, in case you haven’t:

Via Xbox-Scene

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