Tekken 6: Exclusive Kuma trailer
If you think that Heihachi’s lovable pet bear is a novelty that Namco Bandai added to bring the character count up, you’d be wrong. Here to show you that his Heihachi-style of fighting (yes, there’s such a thing) is a deadly mix of comic relief and generous amounts of pain – it’s Kuma for Tekken 6 (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PSP)
If you think that Heihachi’s lovable pet bear is a novelty that Namco Bandai added to bring the character count up, you’d be wrong. Here to show you that his Heihachi-style of fighting (yes, there’s such a thing) is a deadly mix of comic relief and generous amounts of pain – it’s Kuma for Tekken 6 (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PSP)
While that combo on Panda isn’t likely to happen on real matches, it still looks cool. Kuma isn’t known for being among the top picks on a Tekken marathon, but the adjustments on his moves and the physics can work to his advantage. Besides, he’s so much fun to mess around with, and he’s got more right to make roaring sounds than King.
So if it’s Lei and Kuma, I’d have to hand it to Lei for better ass-kickery. But for the love of enemy defamation when owned by Kuma (and bias in favor of grizzlies who know their martial arts), my vote goes to the big guy. Bring it on, Kung Fu Panda.
Previous Tekken 6 exclusive trailer: