Ozzy was hooked on a video game, guess what it was
If you can work your way through all the swearing and the accent, you might be able to figure this one out. Rock icon Ozzy Osborne had a favorite game, too. He told Kotaku all about it, and judging by all that swearing, he must’ve really loved that one. Problem was, nobody could quite nail the guessing game. Can you? Oh, and be advised, there’s always some plentiful swearing in an Ozzy interview.
If you can work your way through all the swearing and the accent, you might be able to figure this one out. Rock icon Ozzy Osborne had a favorite game, too. He told Kotaku all about it, and judging by all that swearing, he must’ve really loved that one. Problem was, nobody could quite nail the guessing game. Can you? Oh, and be advised, there’s always some plentiful swearing in an Ozzy interview.
It was after the BlizzCon, when Kotaku managed to get a few words from the man himself:
The only one I ever played is that f***ing (unintelligible) I got addicted to that instantly years ago was that f***ing video game where the f***ing guy jumps off the f***ing cliff. Sort of this old (well, or whale?). I was playing all f***ing night.
Okay, so no one really quite got what the f***ing game was. Guys at Kotaku had a few guesses, but no one was quite sure. He was, thankfully, clearer about what Sharon played. “Tetris – my wife got addicted to it. I remember lying in bed and saying, “Sh*t. Are you playing that f***ing game?” And she’d say, “No.” And then I’d hear “B*st*rd! F***ing ***hole!” And then the exploded one (exploding sound effect) in her f***ing hands!”
Ideas, anyone?
This guy f***ing loved Killzone
Via Kotaku