Microsoft: Natal is your ticket to the coolest party

natal-shortMicrosoft really has a lot riding on the success of Project Natal. But the company is not all too worried about how players will receive it, and in fact is pretty confident about it. Because hey, Natal will just be your “ticket to the coolest party”, and we all know everyone wants to be cool.




Microsoft really has a lot riding on the success of Project Natal. But the company is not all too worried about how players will receive it, and in fact is pretty confident about it. Because hey, Natal will just be your “ticket to the coolest party”, and we all know everyone wants to be cool.



Todd Holmdahl, Corporate VP fo Xbox hardware and Don Mattrick Xbox Senior President promised to deliver total coolness in a MS box in a video interview with French website Jeux-France.



Of the Natal, Mattrick describes, “[It] allows you to control your character, your games, your entertainment experiences [and] the movements of your body. The opportunity to delight consumers, to make our art form more accessible to a broader audience — we’ve given you the ticket to the coolest party and given you a megaphone to shout out and interact with the people around you.”



To check out the full interview, head on over to Jeux-France for it here.






Via [GamesThirst]




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