E3 to date: QJ’s wrap-up (pre-E3 – May 8 and 9, 2006)
It’s been a horrendously busy week to date for all of us here at QJ. We’ve been scrambling to keep you abreast of all the latest developments, E3-wise, and that’s meant a bunch of sleepless nights and messed-up days. But we’re not complaining – far from it! We love this stuff just about as much as you good folks do.
But enough of the drama – here, then, in the interest of whipping our glut of E3 info into shape, is an exhaustive list of all the E3-related stuff that’s taken place since yesterday. Use this as your directory to browse over all the E3-related posts we have here; hey, here in QJ, we always look for ways to make things easy for you:
Press conferences:
At the Sony Press Conference (The Very First Few Minutes!)
E3 Live: Sony Press Conference: Downloadable Content (Updates)
Game Factory’s Own Lineup
Nintendo E3 Press Conference – Live (UPDATE #23)
Odds and Ends from Sony’s Press Conference
Square Enix Pre-E3 Press Conference Summary
Breaking news:
Activision’s Next-Gen Console Lineup
Activision to Debut World Series of Poker at E3
E3 2006:Microsoft Reacts to Sony Conference
E3 Nintendo: Satoru Iwata’s Speech Transcript
Grand Theft Auto IV – for PS3 and Xbox360
Interactive City guides for PSP coming September
Microsoft Reveals Plans To Stay Ahead of the Competition
Nintendo’s E3 First Party List
Nintendo laughs last on Sony’s PS3 announcement
PlayStation 3 Official Announced
Sony’s PSP E3 Content Pack… All yours!
Sony Unveils PSP New Titles at E3 2006
More of the list after the jump!
It’s been a horrendously busy week to date for all of us here at QJ. We’ve been scrambling to keep you abreast of all the latest developments, E3-wise, and that’s meant a bunch of sleepless nights and messed-up days. But we’re not complaining – far from it! We love this stuff just about as much as you good folks do.
But enough of the drama – here, then, in the interest of whipping our glut of E3 info into shape, is an exhaustive list of all the E3-related stuff that’s taken place since yesterday. Use this as your directory to browse over all the E3-related posts we have here; hey, here in QJ, we always look for ways to make things easy for you:
Press conferences:
E3 Live: Sony Press Conference: Downloadable Content (Updates)
Game Factory’s Own Lineup
Nintendo E3 Press Conference – Live (UPDATE #23)
Odds and Ends from Sony’s Press Conference
Square Enix Pre-E3 Press Conference Summary
Breaking news:
Activision’s Next-Gen Console Lineup
Activision to Debut World Series of Poker at E3
E3 2006:Microsoft Reacts to Sony Conference
E3 Nintendo: Satoru Iwata’s Speech Transcript
Grand Theft Auto IV – for PS3 and Xbox360
Interactive City guides for PSP coming September
Microsoft Reveals Plans To Stay Ahead of the Competition
Nintendo’s E3 First Party List
Nintendo laughs last on Sony’s PS3 announcement
PlayStation 3 Officially Announced
Sony’s PSP E3 Content Pack… All yours!
Sony Unveils PSP New Titles at E3 2006
First glances:
11 New Screens for Just Cause
8 New Screens for Hellgate: London
Assassin’s Creed Trailer for PS3 and Xbox360
Capcom Showcases Dead Rising at E3
Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol Announced for DS
Crackdown Details Revealed
Children of Mana Screens, Art, and Trailer
Coded Arms: Assault hacks into PS3
Custom Robo Arena Announced
DDR Universe Trailer for the 360!
Disaster: Day of Crisis Announced
E3: Wii Hardware Screens
E3 Wii: Metroid Prime 3 Corruption
E3 Zelda: Twilight Princess Demo Video
Elite Beat Agents Soon to Rock the DS
Gran Turismo HD Tech Demo And Screens
Gangs of London E3 Screenshots
Halo 3 at E3: The Trailer Screenshots
Killzone: Liberation for PSP – E3 trailer and artwork
MMO Dark World Online Announced
Monster Hunter for the PS3!
NBA ’07 for the PSP Announced
NBA 2007 game physics trailer for PS3
New Kirby for DS
Pac-Man World Rally Screens!
PS1 Emulator for PSP Showcased at E3: Ridge Racer Running Smooth on PSP
PS3: Formula One Key Points
Snake’s Final Mission: The MGS4 E3 2006 Trailer
Sonic’s Wild Fire Adventure in Nintendo’s Wii
Super Mario Galaxy Announced
Tony Hawk: Downhill Jam Wii Screenshots
Video of PS1 Emulator at Sony’s E3 Press Conference
WarioWare: Smooth Moves for Wii
Yoshi’s Island 2 Announced
Zelda Twilight Princess NEW Trailer and Art!
My E3 Adventure!… Help, I’m Lost!
PS3 Differences Between The Two Versions
The Glamorous Life of a Gaming Journalist
Wii Win!
WiiMote vs DS3 (Wii Controller vs PS3 Controller)
Everything else:
Activision To Acquire Guitar Hero Publisher
ATV:Offroad Fury Pro details
E3 Wii: Project H.A.M.M.E.R Art Pic
First E3 Nintendo Booth Shot
How Nintendo Envisions People Enjoying the Wii
Latest Info on Blue Dragon for the Xbox 360
Magical Vacation for the DS Newest Info and Screens
Metal Gear Solid 4 Logo Finalized! *Update*
Motorstorm Screens for PS3
Ninety-Nine Nights Newest Screens and Info
Resistance: Fall of Man Screenshots
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters E3 Screenshots
Ridge Racer 7 Trailer
Screens and Info of Eye of Judgement
Sonic Trailer for PS3 and Xbox 360
SingStore for the PS3!
Some Loco Roco News from E3!
WarHawk For PS3 Screens
Make sure to check back with us from time to time because we update this list as fresh news pours in!
(Oh, and thanks to Jerico G. for his invaluable assistance!)