RROD LEDs get ditched in Xbox 360 Slim

xbox-slim-thumbThe Xbox 360 Slim is indeed slimmer, but does this mean that chances of getting RROD’d on it is now slim as well? Microsoft seems to believe so, as they ditched the RROD display on their new hardware.








The Xbox 360 Slim is indeed slimmer, but does this mean that chances of getting RROD’d on it is now slim as well? Microsoft seems to believe so, as they ditched the RROD display on their new hardware.






Now, don’t get your hopes all up high now. Just because they opted to replace those dreaded LEDs for a new messaging system that will inform you of a breakdown, it doesn’t mean that it’s guaranteed that you won’t be getting RROD’d anymore. With the new system in place, it just basically means that they’ll be more discreet in delivering to you the bad news.






Microsoft Game Studios corporate VP Phil Spencer explains, “Now obviously, the box has a way to communicate to you if something has happened but yes, three red lights are not part of our sequence of telling somebody something is wrong.”





He continues to explain, “Obviously if you look at the success rate of the original 360s, we’re very proud of both the way the company stepped up to support the customers that we had as well as the success rate we have iwth the box today. I think we’ve learned a lot. That learning has gone into the development of this new box.”







Via [IGN]


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