Watch: Dungeon Siege III debut teaser

dungeon-siege-thumbGet an early sneak peek at the upcoming action role-playing game from Obsidian Entertainment, Dungeon Siege III.


Get an early sneak peek at the upcoming action role-playing game from Obsidian Entertainment, Dungeon Siege III.



In a recent interview with Chris Taylor, the Dungeon Siege creator says:

“We wanted to take the action RPG style of game that has been popular on the PC platform and make it work on consoles as well. The RPG mechanics needed to be intuitive and fun to execute with the console controllers as well as the PC. We also wanted to build on the story telling side of the RPG game experience and bring that side of the game more in line with the stories we have implemented in our previous titles at Obsidian.”

The latest iteration of the Dungeon Siege series is currently slated to be released early next year for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

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