Super Street Fighter IV on 3DS will be same as on consoles
Here’s a lofty goal. Yoshinori Ono is confident that despite the shift from consoles to the 3DS, Super Street Fighter IV will be able to retain the same play quality.
Here’s a lofty goal. Yoshinori Ono is confident that despite the shift from consoles to the 3DS, Super Street Fighter IV will be able to retain the same play quality.
Said Yoshinori Ono to Famitsu, “The gameplay will be the same as Super Street Fighter IV.” Considering that it’s coming over to the 3DS, it’s natural to be curious as to what new features will be added, if any. He made mention of using the slide pad and touch screen for special attacks, as well as not having plans for putting in adjustments to character balancing.
Oh and guess what. Apparently, they do intend to import ALL modes from the game’s console version. Yes, even that wireless play.
Via [CheatCC]
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