Price Drop = PS3 Total Winnar! (would be nice)

Ken Kutaragi

Some of us are still reeling from the shock of having to fork over a cool half grand for Sony’s new wundermaschine, others have recognised the value and are fine with the purchase, and the rest, well they have come to terms with it.

But what if… and stick with me for just a minute, what if this was all Sony’s strategy from the very beginning? Hit us with a high price and the public and press react negatively right? They knew this would happen and are willing to soak up the negative press and publicity that comes with it (hey, it’s all anyones talking about right now). And then three months from launch… BAM! They announce a change in pricing policy… a hundred dollars off each SKU. z0mG!

Suddenly the product has far more appeal, we go from feeling ripped off to thinking we’re getting a deal. So do it Sony, be smart, play the right cards and win the war before it even starts.

Sure would be nice huh?

Ken Kutaragi

Some of us are still reeling from the shock of having to fork over a cool half grand for Sony’s new wundermaschine, others have recognised the value and are fine with the purchase, and the rest, well they have come to terms with it.

But what if… and stick with me for just a minute, what if this was all Sony’s strategy from the very beginning? Hit us with a high price and the public and press react negatively right? They knew this would happen and are willing to soak up the negative press and publicity that comes with it (hey, it’s all anyones talking about right now). And then three months from launch… BAM! They announce a change in pricing policy… a hundred dollars off each SKU. z0mG!

Suddenly the product has far more appeal, we go from feeling ripped off to thinking we’re getting a deal. So do it Sony, be smart, play the right cards and win the war before it even starts.

Sure would be nice huh?

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