Iwata Talks Nintendo Philosophy
After their Corporate Management Policy Briefing, Iwata took some questions. For example, Iwata says that he does not believe a company should just cater to the customer’s wants. He thinks Nintendo has a larger responsibility than that. He says that it’s their job to surprise us, not just give us more of what we like. He also talked about how Nintendo is evolving.
“When I am surfing on the net, I often see such terms as “Web2.0” lately and feel that the world of the internet has entered into a new phase since last year. Looking at how video game companies are using Internet technologies, we have been wondering if it is the right approach to consistently use them just to compete against each gamer for 5 or 10 years. This is how we came to propose WiiConnect24, which will use the Internet for people to enjoy sharing information. I am yet to know what kind of revolutionary entertainment can be created with WiiConnect24, but we will not stop challenging these unprecedented things. You may feel that Nintendo has been doing things that it did not used to. You will be feeling the same way in the future as well. Whenever we sense that users’ new needs must be there or there’s got to be unique opportunity for us to surprise customers, we would always like to be an aggressive challenger.”
There has been more and more emphasis on WiiConner24 as of late. This looks like it’ll be a very key part of Nintendo’s next generation strategy. I think I speak for many people when I say that it’s one of the things that has me most interested in their console. Heck, it looks even more interesting than the controller to me.
Via NeoGAF
After their Corporate Management Policy Briefing, Iwata took some questions. For example, Iwata says that he does not believe a company should just cater to the customer’s wants. He thinks Nintendo has a larger responsibility than that. He says that it’s their job to surprise us, not just give us more of what we like. He also talked about how Nintendo is evolving.
“When I am surfing on the net, I often see such terms as “Web2.0” lately and feel that the world of the internet has entered into a new phase since last year. Looking at how video game companies are using Internet technologies, we have been wondering if it is the right approach to consistently use them just to compete against each gamer for 5 or 10 years. This is how we came to propose WiiConnect24, which will use the Internet for people to enjoy sharing information. I am yet to know what kind of revolutionary entertainment can be created with WiiConnect24, but we will not stop challenging these unprecedented things. You may feel that Nintendo has been doing things that it did not used to. You will be feeling the same way in the future as well. Whenever we sense that users’ new needs must be there or there’s got to be unique opportunity for us to surprise customers, we would always like to be an aggressive challenger.”
There has been more and more emphasis on WiiConner24 as of late. This looks like it’ll be a very key part of Nintendo’s next generation strategy. I think I speak for many people when I say that it’s one of the things that has me most interested in their console. Heck, it looks even more interesting than the controller to me.
Via NeoGAF