A look at the multiplayer maps in Fireteam Bravo 2

Zipper Interactive’s SOCOM: U. S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 is a second helping of the series on the PSP handheld system. It seems that this one’s taken up a notch from the first game in just about every aspect- from maps to missions and inter-game connectivity. Fireteam Bravo 2 will no doubt be a hit with the PSP’s burgeoning FPS community.

To give you a tantalizing taste of what you’ll get in Fireteam Bravo 2, Zipper Interactive has decided to reveal a few details on each of the game’s 12 available multiplayer maps. Let’s get on with it, starting with the new maps.

Silent Canyon

First off is Silent Canyon. In this map, players will face off against each other across two farming areas connected by caves and a twisting path over a small hill. The caves alone offer a lot of blind-curve action, and the hill is also sure to see a lot of action going on as people try to stake out a spot and prey on those who pass by down below. Set in a hidden poppy farm within a remote valley, Silent Canyon is playable with up to 16 players in Demolition, Extraction, Free For All, Intel Grab, Suppression, Target, and Tug-of-War.

Bad Habit

Next up is Bad Habit. This one features a warehouse, so there’s bound to be plenty of hiding spots. If you’re not careful you can get yourself blown to bits in this map, as it is littered with highly explosive barrels. Bad Habit is playable with up to 16 players in Demolition, Extraction, Free For All, Intel Grab, Suppression, Target, and Tug-of-War.

More multiplayer maps await after the jump!

Zipper Interactive’s SOCOM: U. S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2 is a second helping of the series on the PSP handheld system. It seems that this one’s taken up a notch from the first game in just about every aspect- from maps to missions and inter-game connectivity. Fireteam Bravo 2 will no doubt be a hit with the PSP’s burgeoning FPS community.

To give you a tantalizing taste of what you’ll get in Fireteam Bravo 2, Zipper Interactive has decided to reveal a few details on each of the game’s 12 available multiplayer maps. Let’s get on with it, starting with the new maps.

Silent Canyon

First off is Silent Canyon. In this map, players will face off against each other across two farming areas connected by caves and a twisting path over a small hill. The caves alone offer a lot of blind-curve action, and the hill is also sure to see a lot of stuff going on as people try to stake out a spot and prey on those who pass by down below. Set in a hidden poppy farm within a remote valley, Silent Canyon is playable with up to 16 players in Demolition, Extraction, Free For All, Intel Grab, Suppression, Target, and Tug-of-War.

Bad Habit

Next up is Bad Habit. This one features a warehouse, so there’s bound to be plenty of hiding spots. If you’re not careful, you can get yourself blown to bits in this map, as it is littered with highly explosive barrels. Bad Habit is playable with up to 16 players in Demolition, Extraction, Free For All, Intel Grab, Suppression, Target, and Tug-of-War.


After the relative squalor of the first two maps, we jump to an expensive villa high up in the mountains. That’s the setting for the new map dubbed, “Getaway”. Like Silent Canyon, caves play a big part in this map. An underground network of caves connect the villa to the beach, and for those who want to make a surprise entrance there’s also a direct route into the villa itself. It is playable with up to 16 players in Demolition, Extraction, Free For All, Intel Grab, Suppression, Target, and Tug-of-War.


For fans of heavily industrial settings, there’s Surge, a new map set around a hydroelectric dam facility that provides 80% of the power for the region. There are a lot of available routes that connect the upper and lower levels of the dam featured in this map, so that means an attack can come from a lot of directions. Surge is playable with up to 16 players in Demolition, Extraction, Free For All, Intel Grab, Suppression, Target, and Tug-of-War.


This brings us to Tripwire, a map where the best advice players can probably get is, “Don’t look down.” Set around a drilling platform which has been converted into a makeshift fortress, players will have to rely on their tightrope-walking skills in this one. Here, two ships have been grafted onto the platform with narrow catwalks connecting them to the fortress section. It is playable with up to 16 players in Demolition, Extraction, Free For All, Intel Grab, Suppression, Target, and Tug-of-War.


The next new map, Siege, is set around an old abandoned bunker once used as a storage facility for weapons shipments. This one has a lot of tunnels, which could mean a lot of possible attack routes, but could also spell danger for you and your team if the enemy sets up an ambush. Siege is playable with up to 16 players in Demolition, Extraction, Free For All, Intel Grab, Suppression, Target, and Tug-of-War.

Frosty's Revenge

Next up is Frosty’s Revenge, the most Holiday-sounding of all the map names so far. It’s set around a communications tower that separates hangars. This one is good for snipers, as there are several available perches that work well as sniping spots. Frosty’s Revenge is playable with up to 16 players in Demolition, Extraction, Free For All, Intel Grab, Suppression, Target, and Tug-of-War.


The last new multiplayer map, Cutoff, is set in an abandoned industrial city. It is playable with up to 16 players in Demolition, Extraction, Free For All, Intel Grab, Suppression, Target, and Tug-of-War.

Market Day

On to the returning maps. As the name suggests, Market Day is set around a deserted village marketplace.We heard that the scattered stalls that sell fresh herbs and spices cam make great covers, so you might want to take note of that. Market Day is playable with up to 16 players in Demolition, Extraction, Free For All, Intel Grab, Suppression, Target, and Tug-of-War.


One of the most wide-open maps in Fireteam Bravo 2 is Rockslide. This map is set around a winding river which has cut through the mountain pass. You can either choose to go through the many routes that go up the hill or choose to go gung-ho and go through the wide-open river route. It is playable with up to 16 players in Demolition, Extraction, Free For All, Intel Grab, Suppression, Target, and Tug-of-War.


Rift is set around a remote village neighborhood. It is playable with up to 16 players in Demolition, Extraction, Free For All, Intel Grab, Suppression, Target, and Tug-of-War.

Thin Ice

The last map we have for you today is Thin Ice, which is set around a snow-covered farm and boathouse connected by a service tunnel. Since the topside is pretty open, it’s easily defended by snipers or ranged explosives. The service tunnel, meanwhile, has a lot of potential ambush locations. This map is playable with up to 16 players in Demolition, Extraction, Free For All, Intel Grab, Suppression, Target, and Tug-of-War.

There you have it, boys and girls. Now go act like the GI Joes do and use this knowledge to your advantage, because (let’s all say it together, people) knowing is half the battle.


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