A new trailer for Tomb Raider Anniversary

Can you actually add more Tomb Raider to Tomb Raider? Morgan Gray, Senior Producer for the Nintendo Wii version of Tomb Raider Anniversary, seems to think so, and to prove it, Eidos Interactive has released a new video showing off how the Wii strives to bring more depth into the gameplay experiences behind Lara’s world.

In this trailer, you’ll be introduced to the many aspects that seek to enhance the gameplay experience behind Tomb Raider Anniversary. One of the main things behind Lara Croft’s adventures is her archaeology training, and this definitely comes into play more with the use of the Nintendo Wii. With the Wiimote, you can now actually take chisels to walls to uncover clues or use a piece of paper and a pencil to create a hieroglyphic rubbing.

There’s also the matter of action sequences, as Lara can now use Wiimote actions to dodge fire in context-sensitive situations, as well as perform other tasks, like solving puzzles.

All in all, Tomb Raider Anniversary looks to be the definitive action-adventure game for the Wii. Hopefully, we’ll all get to unlock the game’s secrets soon enough.

Can you actually add more Tomb Raider to Tomb Raider? Morgan Gray, Senior Producer for the Nintendo Wii version of Tomb Raider Anniversary, seems to think so, and to prove it, Eidos Interactive has released a new video showing off how the Wii strives to bring more depth into the gameplay experiences behind Lara’s world.

In this trailer, you’ll be introduced to the many aspects that seek to enhance the gameplay experience behind Tomb Raider Anniversary. One of the main things behind Lara Croft’s adventures is her archaeology training, and this definitely comes into play more with the use of the Nintendo Wii. With the Wiimote, you can now actually take chisels to walls to uncover clues or use a piece of paper and a pencil to create a hieroglyphic rubbing.

There’s also the matter of action sequences, as Lara can now use Wiimote actions to dodge fire in context-sensitive situations, as well as perform other tasks, like solving puzzles.

All in all, Tomb Raider Anniversary looks to be the definitive action-adventure game for the Wii. Hopefully, we’ll all get to unlock the game’s secrets soon enough.

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