Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures – July 3 patch update
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures has just gotten an update. If you play the game, then you’re probably wondering what made Funcom suddenly call for another patch session so soon after the last one. Head on over to the full article to find out.
When the July 2 update went up, a lot of subscribers of Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures thought that the patches were done for the week. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case as shown by the recent downtime we experienced earlier today. So what made Funcom suddenly call for another patch session so soon after the last one?
Apparently, the developers from Funcom forgot to re-export one of the tables for the game which caused the sockets of certain items to disappear. Not to worry though as the developers have already fixed the problem and all previously socketed items have been restored, complete with any gems they previous were equipped with.
This kind of sucks since I (and a couple other players) was hoping to get in some game time before heading off to work today. Oh well, at least they fixed a major issue with the last update that many players have complained about in the forums.
Via AoC Forums