Ragnarok Online to get ninjas and gunslingers

Ninja power and firepower get some butt-kicking goodness. - Image 1 Ninja power and firepower get some butt-kicking goodness. - Image 2 

Ninjas are finally going to be a good thing in MMOs, it seems. Ragnarok Online will be opening up two new classes for their latest upgrade: the ninja and the gunslinger.
The ninja class seems to be a mix of melee and elemental attacks, much like a combat mage. While ninjas are often seen as the stealthy thieving types, chances are the addition of ninja-only special moves that act like mage spells will be a draw, not only with thief-class players but also with mages thinking of trying melee.

The gunslinger, on the other hand, is definitely the alternative type of archer. From the translated version of our source link, as well as the picture, the gunslinger will be allowed to use two different kinds of guns. One style he can use lets him do dual-handgun shooting, while the other is the big bruiser: a gatling gun.

The first players who will get a taste of this upgrade will be the Japanese, as Episode 5.0 of Gravity’s MMORPG will be released in their country this coming October 24. Expect others to get this upgrade once they finish localizing it. Till then, salivate and wait.

Ninja power and firepower get some butt-kicking goodness. - Image 1 Ninja power and firepower get some butt-kicking goodness. - Image 2 

Ninjas are finally going to be a good thing in MMOs, it seems. Ragnarok Online will be opening up two new classes for their latest upgrade: the ninja and the gunslinger.
The ninja class seems to be a mix of melee and elemental attacks, much like a combat mage. While ninjas are often seen as the stealthy thieving types, chances are the addition of ninja-only special moves that act like mage spells will be a draw, not only with thief-class players but also with mages thinking of trying melee.

The gunslinger, on the other hand, is definitely the alternative type of archer. From the translated version of our source link, as well as the picture, the gunslinger will be allowed to use two different kinds of guns. One style he can use lets him do dual-handgun shooting, while the other is the big bruiser: a gatling gun.

The first players who will get a taste of this upgrade will be the Japanese, as Episode 5.0 of Gravity’s MMORPG will be released in their country this coming October 24. Expect others to get this upgrade once they finish localizing it. Till then, salivate and wait.

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