Age of Conan updates: official site revamp, Ask Kalanthes feature added

Age of Conan updates: official site revamp, Ask Kalanthes feature added - Image 1Funcom is letting you guys know that several updates have been added to the official website of MMORPG Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (PC and Xbox 360).

These include the revamp of the site itself as well as the addition of Ask Kalanthes feature. To see the specifics of each addition, just click the “read more” link below. It should take you to the full article.

Age of Conan updates: official site revamp, Ask Kalanthes feature added - Image 1Funcom has a couple of surprises for fans of the upcoming MMORPG Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (PC and Xbox 360). These come in the form of new official website content and the wise character Kalanthes.

According to Funcom, majority of their fans have been asking for a site revamp and that’s what exactly they did. Here are the following goodies that can be found in the official website according to the developers:

  • In this first batch, weÂ’ve posted info on our plans for server types (answering one of the most frequently asked questions).
  • Revamped/improved/new sections on races, classes, attributes and skills, mount types, and mounted combat, and weapons, and armor.
  • Further improvements and additions are in the pipeline (the long-awaited and much-desired FAQ update being just one example).
  • YouÂ’ll get your first peek at the Tempest of Set, just a hint of whatÂ’s to come. We know itÂ’s torture, but would Set have it any other way?

Aside from the above listed, another surprise comes in the form of Kalanthes. This character is the first one all players will meet when they enter the world of Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures.

His age is his very strength as he is able to provide you with answers regarding the game or even about life in general. In case you have questions as early as now, you may want to send them in via the source link below.

Via Age of Conan

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