Analyst says YES! to PS3 price cut, Sony says NO!
Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey has joined the ranks of analysts predicting a PS3 price cut. According to Hickey, “recent channel checks indicate increased speculation for a PS3 price cut announcement from Sony in the next couple of days.” Of course, Sony said, “Nuh-uh.”
Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey has joined the ranks of analysts predicting a PS3 price cut. According to Hickey, “recent channel checks indicate increased speculation for a PS3 price cut announcement from Sony in the next couple of days.”
Hickey thinks that a US$ 100 price cut is the cure for Sony’s PS3 problems. Know what Sony said in response? You guessed it. A Sony spokesman told GameDaily that there is “definitely no price drop on PS3″ being planned at the moment. The spokesman also said that for Sony, it’s not about price but great games, content and services.
That’s not all Hickey had to say, however, and I warn you, we’re gonna tread into the realm of the kinda absurd here. Apart from the price cut, Hickey also mentioned that they have heard speculation that Sony is planning to come out with a non-Blu-ray PS3 console.
See? Yeah, sure, they can make it, but who would want to buy a PS3 that can’t play PS3 games? I don’t know what the speculators Hickey heard were smoking, but I think I want me some of that.
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Via GameDaily