Angels Online upated Class Overview

Angels Online - Image 1IGG has updated their class overview for Angels Online to offer a more varied and even more limitless adventures for players to enjoy. If you’re more into being the crafty mage flinging spells from the back of thee group, or a brave and courageous fighter leading the pack, there’s certainly an Angels Online class suited for you.

IGG has updated their class overview for Angels Online to offer a more varied and even more limitless adventures for players to enjoy. If you’re more into being the crafty mage flinging spells from the back of thee group, or a brave and courageous fighter leading the pack, there’s certainly an Angels Online class suited for you.

This new updated overview gives you four Magic Classes and 5 Melee Classes. Check them out below, and do enjoy the screenshots while you’re at it, too.

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Magic Classes:


Dark wizards who revel in their notoriety, this powerful class summons spirits of the dead and demons from hell to do their bidding. Complimenting their dark summoning power is the ability to curse their enemies, causing long, slow, painful deaths. These guys donÂ’t go for the quick kill; they prefer to wait their adversaries out.

Exclusive Skills: Wraith, Curse, Meditate, Hit, Staff Hit and Vestment


Although they don’t carry the stigma that the dark Summoners do, these powerful wizards choose to use more direct magic in battle. Wielding Chaos spells, they can cast devastating attacks that deal impressive amounts of damage. However, they have a glaring weakness – defense. Unaccompanied by someone to protect them they are especially vulnerable.

Exclusive Skills: Chaos, Curse, Meditate, Hit, Staff Hit and Vestment


With such powerful brethren, these wizards may have once been tempted to use dark magic or chaos spells, but they have flatly rejected that sort of power. Instead they concentrate on a peaceful co-existence with nature and power derived from the Earth. With the ability to communicate with fairies, they can shapeshift and absorb energy from wildlife and nature to channel their magic. And unlike the other magic classes, there have even been reports of some of them learning the fine art of melee attacks and having fierce resistances to damage.

Exclusive Skills: Earth, Curse, Meditate, Hit, Staff Hit and Vestment


Cherishing life and seeking to heal and care for teammates and other AngelÂ’s, these holy men can be indispensible in battle. Assisted by holy spells bestowed by God, they help teammates recover from damage and increase a teamÂ’s defensive abilities.

Exclusive Skills: Life, Curse, Meditate, Hit, Staff Hit and Vestment

Angels Online - Image 1 Angels Online - Image 2 

Melee Classes:


Moving away from the more esoteric powers available to the magic classes, Warriors are much more straightforward. Featuring iron wills forged in the heat of battle, their courage never wavers as they fight for glory and honor. Always found on the front lines, their powerful physical attacks are the primary fighting force of any team.

Exclusive Skills: Axe, Enhance, Grapple, Reserve, Finesse and Garment


When the chips are down and you need a miracle, a protector will be there to get your back – and probably your front too. They have the best defense available and are the ultimate tank for absorbing damage while defensively weaker classes can hide behind and fling deadly spells. When you need an impassible barrier between you and death, they will answer the call.

Exclusive Skills: Axe, Enhance, Grapple, Reserve, Shield and Garment


Although not known for being the most skilled or the most lethal, they can deal impressive ranged damage with their long spears.

Exclusive Skills: Spear, Enhance, Grapple, Reserve, Shield and Garment


Known to be perfectionists, it takes time and patience to perfect the use of a blade as they have. However, that work pays off with the slashing attacks and dazzling amounts of damage. With perfect body control they can even attack while dodging enemy counterattacks.
Exclusive Skills: Sword, Enhance, Grapple, Reserve, Shield and Garment


Sharp eyed and patient, they have the instincts and temperament of a predator looking for lunch. Their ranged bow attacks can deal damage from incredible distances. With such precise attacks from long distances, they are excellent for ambushes.
Exclusive Skills: Longbow, Enhance, Grapple, Reserve, Shield and Vestment

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