Arena Tournament qualifications end at April 15
Please allow us to clarify: since February, Blizzard had been hosting a major Arena qualification round that has been running for over a month now. This qualification round will serve as Blizzard’s basis for selecting consistently good performing competitive PvP World of Warcraft players and teams. These qualifiers will face off against each other in the succeeding matches Blizzard has conjured up for them.
So if you’re not yet placed at the highest margin or show up in the top Arena teams in each battlegroup, you have a little more than two weeks to knock teams off your path to the championship, get noticed by a professional gaming clan, bag the awesome Netherdrake, show off that newly shined Arena gear of yours, and grab the babe.
Why? Because the qualification round ends at the same time you should have filed those income tax deductions that you haven’t filled out yet. If you aren’t interested in making the cut and are just playing for the thrill, the posh look or the uber status pet for Azeroth’s social climbers, then don’t let ol’ honest Abe’s death stop you from keeping your current prizes, because the Arena season won’t end just yet.
Via WoW Forums
Please allow us to clarify: since February, Blizzard had been hosting a major Arena qualification round that has been running for over a month now. This qualification round will serve as Blizzard’s basis for selecting consistently good performing competitive PvP World of Warcraft players and teams. These qualifiers will face off against each other in the succeeding matches Blizzard has conjured up for them.
So if you’re not yet placed at the highest margin or show up in the top Arena teams in each battlegroup, you have a little more than two weeks to knock teams off your path to the championship, get noticed by a professional gaming clan, bag the awesome Netherdrake, show off that newly shined Arena gear of yours, and grab the babe.
Why? Because the qualification round ends at the same time you should have filed those income tax deductions that you haven’t filled out yet. If you aren’t interested in making the cut and are just playing for the thrill, the posh look or the uber status pet for Azeroth’s social climbers, then don’t let ol’ honest Abe’s death stop you from keeping your current prizes, because the Arena season won’t end just yet.
Via WoW Forums