Army of Two: No Heaven trailer video
Not since the likes of Contra has the videogaming world experienced a title that could match up in terms of cooperative gameplay that’s not forced, not awkward, and not game breaking. Things may have changed, however, with Electronic Arts‘ third person shooter that has you relying on a buddy to get the job done – even when you’re with your lonesome self. Yep, it’s Army of Two (PS3, Xbox 360), and we see some very nifty-looking co-op gameplay in this latest trailer.
Not only do we see the personality-filled duo working together as an efficient pair in this video, but we also see some very cool-looking dynamics between the two player characters. Being able to switch weapons with your partner is definitely a boon, as you might be better at using this or that weapon than he is. And of course, utilizing your own partner as a moving cover. That’s always handy.
Video embed’s below, you know what to do. Enjoy!
Buy: [Army of Two (PS3)]
Buy: [Army of Two (360)]
Not since the likes of Contra has the videogaming world experienced a title that could match up in terms of cooperative gameplay that’s not forced, not awkward, and not game breaking. Things may have changed, however, with Electronic Arts‘ third person shooter that has you relying on a buddy to get the job done – even when you’re with your lonesome self. Yep, it’s Army of Two (PS3, Xbox 360), and we see some very nifty-looking co-op gameplay in this latest trailer.
Not only do we see the personality-filled duo working together as an efficient pair in this video, but we also see some very cool-looking dynamics between the two player characters. Being able to switch weapons with your partner is definitely a boon, as you might be better at using this or that weapon than he is. And of course, utilizing your own partner as a moving cover. That’s always handy.
Video embed’s below, you know what to do. Enjoy!
Buy: [Army of Two (PS3)]
Buy: [Army of Two (360)]