Audio controlled laser system…

We’ve stumbled across this, and quite frankly it just seems like a cool idea. Being reminiscent of the scanning laser at the start of the film Aliens, this is a tad different, where-by it is controlled by a sound input. Being used here with an iPod, there is nothing saying that it isn’t possible to use any input device, perfect for anyone who wants to recreate a nightclub atmosphere within their bedrooms at a fraction of the price. Unfortunately, there were no details on how this was constructed and made, but we can only assume it used the iPod, the laser with lens, and a signal processor feeding into the laser system. Feast your eyes on the video…

We’ve stumbled across this, and quite frankly it just seems like a cool idea. Being reminiscent of the scanning laser at the start of the film Aliens, this is a tad different, where-by it is controlled by a sound input. Being used here with an iPod, there is nothing saying that it isn’t possible to use any input device, perfect for anyone who wants to recreate a nightclub atmosphere within their bedrooms at a fraction of the price. Unfortunately, there were no details on how this was constructed and made, but we can only assume it used the iPod, the laser with lens, and a signal processor feeding into the laser system. Feast your eyes on the video…

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