BBFC may reconsider Manhunt 2 ban, says lawyer

BBFC may reconsider Manhunt 2 ban, says lawyer - Image 1

The video game Manhunt 2 for the PlayStation Portable and Nintendo Wii has stirred a lot of controversies before it even reached the retail stores. We don’t want to go through the whole fiasco so to make the long story short, the title was banned by classification boards and Rockstar Games is currently appealing the board’s decision.

If you are somehow hoping to get Manhunt 2 any time soon, we suggest you spend your money on some other video game first. Because according to James Pond, an associate at game specialist law firm Osbourne Clarke, it may take a while before British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) reaches a decision. He explained:

Last time this happened with Carmaggedon the appeal worked so that’s a positive precedent. Rockstar has taken a while to build its case, so they’ve obviously been taking stock of what the BBFC have said. They will have to work together to agree on making the right cuts.

In the event that BBFC reconsiders, James Pond added that Rockstar could still have problems with the terms of agreement. “If the BBFC feels that the violence running throughout the game is too much – it’s not like a film where you can just cut certain scenes,” added the associate.


BBFC may reconsider Manhunt 2 ban, says lawyer - Image 1

The video game Manhunt 2 for the PlayStation Portable and Nintendo Wii has stirred a lot of controversies before it even reached the retail stores. We don’t want to go through the whole fiasco so to make the long story short, the title was banned by classification boards and Rockstar Games is currently appealing the board’s decision.

If you are somehow hoping to get Manhunt 2 any time soon, we suggest you spend your money on some other video game first. Because according to James Pond, an associate at game specialist law firm Osbourne Clarke, it may take a while before British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) reaches a decision. He explained:

Last time this happened with Carmaggedon the appeal worked so that’s a positive precedent. Rockstar has taken a while to build its case, so they’ve obviously been taking stock of what the BBFC have said. They will have to work together to agree on making the right cuts.

In the event that BBFC reconsiders, James Pond added that Rockstar could still have problems with the terms of agreement. “If the BBFC feels that the violence running throughout the game is too much – it’s not like a film where you can just cut certain scenes,” added the associate.


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