Behind the scenes at Star Wars Force Unleashed: SuperWookie shot down
So far, Star Wars: Force Unleashed (PS3, Xbox 360, with PSP and NDS development outsourced) is looking good, based on reader reactions here and elsewhere. For Star Wars fans who’ve been looking for good licensed games, thank goodness.
In their official website, LucasArts devs have been maintaining a devblog that gives us a peek into the mind of one who Is Connected With The Force (a.k.a. George Lucas), who influences the direction of anything with Star Wars as its title.
Lately the dev team has been either pushing for the inter-trilogy storyline thing – the entire Episode III-Episode IV arc, and George couldn’t be any happier. Nowhere is this more true than when LucasArts sat down with Lucas to talk about Force Unleashed, wrote Assistant Producer Brett Rector. It was George, he said, who pushed for “a brand new protagonist”, who would eventually become Darth Vader’s bada** secret apprentice.
Yes, the Force is perhaps strong in Lucas and his apprentices, because among other protagonist ideas that didn’t make the cut were a gadget-wielding mercenary (would’ve smacked of Star Wars: Lethal Alliance, in our opinion), and, we quote, “a superheroic Wookie.” Now, don’t get us wrong: Chewbacca is bada** and all (and can rip our arms off, so have mercy, Chewie), but imagining him in Superman underwear really caused a funny disturbance in the Force here.
So far, Star Wars: Force Unleashed (PS3, Xbox 360, with PSP and NDS development outsourced) is looking good, based on reader reactions here and elsewhere. For Star Wars fans who’ve been looking for good licensed games, thank goodness.
In their official website, LucasArts devs have been maintaining a devblog that gives us a peek into the mind of one who Is Connected With The Force (a.k.a. George Lucas), who influences the direction of anything with Star Wars as its title.
Lately the dev team has been either pushing for the inter-trilogy storyline thing – the entire Episode III-Episode IV arc, and George couldn’t be any happier. Nowhere is this more true than when LucasArts sat down with Lucas to talk about Force Unleashed, wrote Assistant Producer Brett Rector. It was George, he said, who pushed for “a brand new protagonist”, who would eventually become Darth Vader’s bada** secret apprentice.
Yes, the Force is perhaps strong in Lucas and his apprentices, because among other protagonist ideas that didn’t make the cut were a gadget-wielding mercenary (would’ve smacked of Star Wars: Lethal Alliance, in our opinion), and, we quote, “a superheroic Wookie.” Now, don’t get us wrong: Chewbacca is bada** and all (and can rip our arms off, so have mercy, Chewie), but imagining him in Superman underwear really caused a funny disturbance in the Force here.