Bizarre wants to turn Blur into a ‘big franchise’

blur-thumbBizarre Creations set out to turn Blur into the next big racing franchise. The series received critical praise but didn’t exactly burn up the charts. That’s not enough to dissuade the developers from further developing the franchise though.






Bizarre Creations set out to turn Blur into the next big racing franchise. The series received critical praise but didn’t exactly burn up the charts. That’s not enough to dissuade the developers from further developing the franchise though.


Speaking to Gamerzines, Bizarre’s Nick Davies attributed the game’s slow sales to it being released during a “very busy time for racing games.” He believes, however, that the game’s multiplayer component will be enough to give it the longevity it needs.


“I think the multiplayer will stay for a long time and I think people will come back to that time and time again, long after some of the other games have gone back to the second-hand shelf,” he said/


Davies added, “Blur‘s a fantastic game, and it’s the start of a big franchise for Bizarre.”


So, can we expect a Blur 2 soon then? Davies didn’t go into specifics, but he did reiterate that “it’s always been the plan to make the number one racing franchise. That’s as much as I can say!”




Via [Gamerzines]

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