Bizzarre Talks Up The PGR3 SpeedPack Update

QJ already covered the release of the PGR3 SpeedPack, and the reasoning behind the update and various content has caused a little bit of contention in the gaming realm, so the folks at IGN chat with the guys at Bizarre to uncover the truth. Firstly, the fact the pack was charged for was met with more than a few complaints on various sites. Bizarre states that the reason for the cost is simple, it took time and money to produce, so that’s why it’s a pay-for pack. Other updates are actually free and the cars themselves work out at only 60 Microsoft Points per vehicle.

Bizarre also add that they’ve included a new achievement. Points will be awarded to people who qualify for a tournament, so anyone with this particular achievement is a good racer. The online professional achievement has also been modified due to feedback from the PGR3 community. The new cars are said to be faster, but won’t compromise the balance of the gameplay. Overall it seems that the folks at Bizarre are happy to listen to the games fans and act upon their wants and needs. You can’t really blame them for charging for that.

QJ already covered the release of the PGR3 SpeedPack, and the reasoning behind the update and various content has caused a little bit of contention in the gaming realm, so the folks at IGN chat with the guys at Bizarre to uncover the truth. Firstly, the fact the pack was charged for was met with more than a few complaints on various sites. Bizarre states that the reason for the cost is simple, it took time and money to produce, so that’s why it’s a pay-for pack. Other updates are actually free and the cars themselves work out at only 60 Microsoft Points per vehicle.

Bizarre also add that they’ve included a new achievement. Points will be awarded to people who qualify for a tournament, so anyone with this particular achievement is a good racer. The online professional achievement has also been modified due to feedback from the PGR3 community. The new cars are said to be faster, but won’t compromise the balance of the gameplay. Overall it seems that the folks at Bizarre are happy to listen to the games fans and act upon their wants and needs. You can’t really blame them for charging for that.

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