Blizzard compensates realms hit by 48-hour downtime
We’ve got some good news lined up for the World of Warcraft players, in case you’re among the guys hit by the previous 48-hour downtime this week. Blizzard spokesperson Nethaera over at the WoW forums has just announced that they will be issuing a a 48-hour time extension for the following realms.
We’ve compacted the list alphabetically and arranged the various realms by group:
Aggramar, Argent Dawn, Arthas, Azgalor
- Bleeding Hollow, Bloodhoof, Burning Blade, Burning Legion
- Durotan
- Earthen Ring, Elune, Eonar, Eredar
- Gilneas, Gorefiend
- Kargath
- Laughing Skull, Lightning’s Blade, Llane, Lothar
- Madoran, Magtheridon, Malygos, Mannoroth, Medivh
- Shadowmoon, Shattered Hand, Skullcrusher, Stormrage
- Thunderhorn, Thunderlord, Trollbane
- Warsong
- Zul’jin
There’s not much work yet on the specifics of the system maintenance, and no reason whatsoever as to why it’s that long. That’s all to report for the moment – we wish the residents in these realms the best of luck in making up for lost time.
We’ve got some good news lined up for the World of Warcraft players, in case you’re among the guys hit by the previous 48-hour downtime this week. Blizzard spokesperson Nethaera over at the WoW forums has just announced that they will be issuing a a 48-hour time extension for the following realms.
We’ve compacted the list alphabetically and arranged the various realms by group:
Aggramar, Argent Dawn, Arthas, Azgalor
- Bleeding Hollow, Bloodhoof, Burning Blade, Burning Legion
- Durotan
- Earthen Ring, Elune, Eonar, Eredar
- Gilneas, Gorefiend
- Kargath
- Laughing Skull, Lightning’s Blade, Llane, Lothar
- Madoran, Magtheridon, Malygos, Mannoroth, Medivh
- Shadowmoon, Shattered Hand, Skullcrusher, Stormrage
- Thunderhorn, Thunderlord, Trollbane
- Warsong
- Zul’jin
There’s not much work yet on the specifics of the system maintenance, and no reason whatsoever as to why it’s that long. That’s all to report for the moment – we wish the residents in these realms the best of luck in making up for lost time.