Blizzard warns against new COD scam
Blizzard poster Kaone has recently given out a warning on a current new variety of in-game scam. Kaone posts:
This is a warning regarding a current new variety of a common scam. Recently players have been reporting to Game Masters in-game mails which are imitating the style of mail sent from an in-game NPC. These mails are pretending to have a “reward” attached to them. However, the mail is actually an attempt to scam gold from the recipient through the use of a wrapped COD item for a sum of gold. This new variety of this scam is using titles and text to imply that they originate from the Argent Dawn. To further add to this illusion the name of the sender is typically also related in some way to LightÂ’s Hope Chapel or the Argent Dawn.
While Game Masters are working hard to track down and action these scammers, one would do well to stay clear of any such suspicious COD in-game mail. As always, one should never accept a COD mail where the item is wrapped so that you can not see the item itself.
WoW Forum member, Deadlykirs claims that this latest COD scam is evolved from the “Symbol of Divinity” Horde-only COD scam. That said, this latest scam is “improved” as it is applicable to both factions.
It is also worth nothing that Harperri, another WoW Forum member claims that he/she (you can never tell from their names nowadays) has raised this issue before, but to no avail. Harperri posts:
It’s funny. I raised this issue before, and was told rather clearly that there was NOTHING WRONG WITH IT. In this forum and by GMs.
Now a blue is initiating a post to warn us of it? Feh….
Regardless, you are now all warned. Do not pay to see what’s inside that mysterious package that suddenly shows up.
Via WoW Forums
Blizzard poster Kaone has recently given out a warning on a current new variety of in-game scam. Kaone posts:
This is a warning regarding a current new variety of a common scam. Recently players have been reporting to Game Masters in-game mails which are imitating the style of mail sent from an in-game NPC. These mails are pretending to have a “reward” attached to them. However, the mail is actually an attempt to scam gold from the recipient through the use of a wrapped COD item for a sum of gold. This new variety of this scam is using titles and text to imply that they originate from the Argent Dawn. To further add to this illusion the name of the sender is typically also related in some way to LightÂ’s Hope Chapel or the Argent Dawn.
While Game Masters are working hard to track down and action these scammers, one would do well to stay clear of any such suspicious COD in-game mail. As always, one should never accept a COD mail where the item is wrapped so that you can not see the item itself.
WoW Forum member, Deadlykirs claims that this latest COD scam is evolved from the “Symbol of Divinity” Horde-only COD scam. That said, this latest scam is “improved” as it is applicable to both factions.
It is also worth nothing that Harperri, another WoW Forum member claims that he/she (you can never tell from their names nowadays) has raised this issue before, but to no avail. Harperri posts:
It’s funny. I raised this issue before, and was told rather clearly that there was NOTHING WRONG WITH IT. In this forum and by GMs.
Now a blue is initiating a post to warn us of it? Feh….
Regardless, you are now all warned. Do not pay to see what’s inside that mysterious package that suddenly shows up.
Via WoW Forums