Broadway – The Wii Chip Production Video

IBMNah sorry, we don’t have some crazy Broadway musical up for you. What we do have is a video of the Wii’s CPU, Broadway, in production! We previously reported that the Broadway chip has been in production since July. There was quite a bit of hype leading up to that news actually. Although it may not have been what people had been expecting, it’s still something!

The video shows a lot of technical stuff that won’t make much sense to those of us who don’t have that kind of background. However, it’s still really cool to see all the shiny mechanical stuff at work producing such an important part of the Wii!

A warning to dial-up users: it’s a 12.26MB wss file.

Download: [Broadway Production]

Via IGN Boards

IBMNah sorry, we don’t have some crazy Broadway musical up for you. What we do have is a video of the Wii’s CPU, Broadway, in production! We previously reported that the Broadway chip has been in production since July. There was quite a bit of hype leading up to that news actually. Although it may not have been what people had been expecting, it’s still something!

The video shows a lot of technical stuff that won’t make much sense to those of us who don’t have that kind of background. However, it’s still really cool to see all the shiny mechanical stuff at work producing such an important part of the Wii!

A warning to dial-up users: it’s a 12.26MB wss file.

Download: [Broadway Production]

Via IGN Boards

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