Bungie: Halo 3 Team Snipers Weekend ongoing
Bungie has announced that Halo 3 gamers can now partake in the Team Snipers Weekend. As always, expect double exp for participating in the event. To find out more, head on over to the full article by clicking on the “read more” link.
A good soldier’s job is never done. That’s probably what gamers who are constantly looking to increase their Halo 3 ranking are thinking at this very moment because Team Snipers Weekend is now ongoing.
This event, which ends on June 23, will award players who partake in the Team Snipers playlist with double XP points. For green recruits in our readership, here’s a quick explanation of what to expect as taken from the announcement post: “Team Snipers includes a combination of slayer and objective variants with Sniper Rifle spawns.”
Before we go, we’d like to pose an interesting question that the devs from Bungie posted on the forums. Apparently, they’re toying around with the idea of making sniper weekends 3v3 matches instead of the 4v4 matches we’re used to. What do you guys think?
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Via Bungie.net