But WAIT there’s MORE: Home Shopping Network now on App Store

HSN app - Image 1When shopping in the comfort of your own home isn’t so convenient anymore, the Home Shopping Network whips out their very own iPhone app. Now you can do all the home shopping you want, and you don’t even have to be at home when you do. The app will not be responsible for impulsive buying and houses filled with stuff no one needs.

HSN iPhone app - Image 1When shopping in the comfort of your own home isn’t so convenient anymore, the Home Shopping Network whips out their very own iPhone app. Now you can do all the home shopping you want, and you don’t even have to be at home when you do. The app will not be responsible for impulsive buying and houses filled with stuff no one needs.

The HSN app will allow you to stream live video into your iPhone, where you can catch interesting items, overeager voiceovers, and unheard-of celebrities endorsing stuff.

No, they didn’t offer anything if you get the app now and you get something absolutely free.

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