Camera Alertage: Your Live Vision Cam works on OS 10.4.9
Here’s some good news for those Mac-users who also happens to own an Xbox Live Vision Camera. It seems that someone’s been able to confirm that your Xbox Live Vision cam will work on OS 10.4.9.
According to the discussion thread, lOUDsCREAMEr decided to take a chance and bought a Live Vision Cam to see if he could get it to work on his computer without the need for a hack or a driver. Lo and behold, as the picture on the right shows it in action.
Zorkon points out that this is a new feature of the patched 10.4.9, which has support for USB video cameras using iChat. Whether this means that other game-related cameras will work with it is dependent on how much you know about cameras. But it stands to reason that anyone with a Live Vision Camera now has a free OS 10.4.9-compatible cam to use for taking pictures and amateur YouTube videos of the Tunak Tunak Tun dance.
Here’s some good news for those Mac-users who also happens to own an Xbox Live Vision Camera. It seems that someone’s been able to confirm that your Xbox Live Vision cam will work on OS 10.4.9.
According to the discussion thread, lOUDsCREAMEr decided to take a chance and bought a Live Vision Cam to see if he could get it to work on his computer without the need for a hack or a driver. Lo and behold, as the picture on the right shows it in action.
Zorkon points out that this is a new feature of the patched 10.4.9, which has support for USB video cameras using iChat. Whether this means that other game-related cameras will work with it is dependent on how much you know about cameras. But it stands to reason that anyone with a Live Vision Camera now has a free OS 10.4.9-compatible cam to use for taking pictures and amateur YouTube videos of the Tunak Tunak Tun dance.