Can Paladins really tank? Tseric answers… sort of

Paladin - Image 1If you’re one of the numerous Paladins in World of Warcraft wondering if you’ll be able to tank past, say, Karazhan after the patch, then here’s some sort of good news for you.

Responding to a rather pointed request regarding the role of Paladins in the end game, Blizzard poster Tseric revealed that overall, the devs do expect Paladins, Druids and Warriors to “fill tanking roles in end-game, whatever they may be.”

Of course, there will be some distinctions between how each of the classes fulfill their tanking roles, but Tseric says that the devs “don’t want to (or want the players to) find some rigid hierarchy by which classes are measured in their tanking potential to the third decimal point.”

Currently, however, Paladin tanking is apparently not “exactly where [the devs] wanted it to be.” Tseric says that more attention will be paid towards this current situation. It’s not a definite yes or no answer, but we guess that there’s still some hope for Paladin tanks, so all you Paladins out there can breathe a little easier. Probably.

Via WoW Forums

Paladin - Image 1If you’re one of the numerous Paladins in World of Warcraft wondering if you’ll be able to tank past, say, Karazhan after the patch, then here’s some sort of good news for you.

Responding to a rather pointed request regarding the role of Paladins in the end game, Blizzard poster Tseric revealed that overall, the devs do expect Paladins, Druids and Warriors to “fill tanking roles in end-game, whatever they may be.”

Of course, there will be some distinctions between how each of the classes fulfill their tanking roles, but Tseric says that the devs “don’t want to (or want the players to) find some rigid hierarchy by which classes are measured in their tanking potential to the third decimal point.”

Currently, however, Paladin tanking is apparently not “exactly where [the devs] wanted it to be.” Tseric says that more attention will be paid towards this current situation. It’s not a definite yes or no answer, but we guess that there’s still some hope for Paladin tanks, so all you Paladins out there can breathe a little easier. Probably.

Via WoW Forums

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