Capcom replies to Resident Evil PSP petition
Petitions usually don’t receive much attention from the side where the petition was addressed to, so news of one such petition catching a developer’s attention is like a flying pigs moment. Earlier this month, we spread the word of a petition to Capcom that requested a Resident Evil game over UMD for the PlayStation Portable. And guess what? Capcom saw it and replied.
“As we plan for future games the team will definitely consider the fans and specifically your petition. It does have impact. Keep me updated on the number of signatures. If you get over 10,000 that will draw significant attention,” said a representative from Capcom via email. The message was sent to the author of the petition.
As the petition stands, it’s currently up to a fifth of the quota required to attract huge attention. And anyone who still hasn’t signed yet but wishes to should head over to the petition site over the Read link below. There’s a chance to actually make a difference here, so be a gamer and jot down that John Hancock.
Many thanks to hunter_alien for the tip!
Petitions usually don’t receive much attention from the side where the petition was addressed to, so news of one such petition catching a developer’s attention is like a flying pigs moment. Earlier this month, we spread the word of a petition to Capcom that requested a Resident Evil game over UMD for the PlayStation Portable. And guess what? Capcom saw it and replied.
“As we plan for future games the team will definitely consider the fans and specifically your petition. It does have impact. Keep me updated on the number of signatures. If you get over 10,000 that will draw significant attention,” said a representative from Capcom via email. The message was sent to the author of the petition.
As the petition stands, it’s currently up to a fifth of the quota required to attract huge attention. And anyone who still hasn’t signed yet but wishes to should head over to the petition site over the Read link below. There’s a chance to actually make a difference here, so be a gamer and jot down that John Hancock.
Many thanks to hunter_alien for the tip!