Capcom tweaking Ken in Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix

Shotokan Karateka Ken Masters - Image 1Last time, game design theorist David Sirlin detailed the improvements that Capcom had been making on T. Hawk in Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix, a downloadable remake of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo for the PlayStation Network  and Xbox Live Arcade. This time around, Mr. Sirlin and Capcom both focused the spotlight on American Shotokan practitioner Ken Masters.

Find out how Ken has improved after the jump!

Ken doing his trademark Shoryuken - Image 1Last time, game design theorist David Sirlin detailed the improvements that Capcom had been making on T. Hawk in Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix, a downloadable remake of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo for the PlayStation Network  and Xbox Live Arcade. This time around, Mr. Sirlin and Capcom both focused the spotlight on American Shotokan practitioner Ken Masters.

Mr. Sirlin admitted that, while Ken hasn’t received any major changes, he did get several minor tweaks in Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix. Capcom has boosted the speed and range of Ken’s fierce hurricane kick, and has given one-hit knockdown strength to the strong and fierce versions of his dragon punch.

With the improvements on his hurricane kick and dragon punch, coupled with new commands for his “crazy kicks” and his knee bash hold, Ken is quickly shaping up to be a more fun character to play as in Capcom’s Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix.

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