No LAN play for Diablo III too?
German gaming site GamersUnity is reporting that a hastily deleted post on the official Diablo III forums has confirmed that the game will not be...
Rumor: new Thief game to be announced on May 11th?
Things haven’t quite stopped rolling down the Thief rumor mill just yet, and now another tidbit makes the news. This time, an Eidos Montreal ad...
Rumor: StartCraft II beta run starts next month… in China?
Zerg ruuuuuush! Supposedly, beta tests for StarCraft II will be starting next month already… at least for China....
Rumor: Thief 4 in the works?
Eidos-Montreal is currently working on a new title in the Deus Ex series. That’s no secret, but are they also developing a new Thief game?...
StarCraft II Battle Report II posted, taken back; leaked new details?
There’s been quite a disturbance from Blizzard‘s supposed up and coming Battle Report II for the highly-anticipated StarCraft II. What’s particularly interesting about this BR...
Diablo 3 to be announced at Paris’ World Wide Invitational? *Update*
Rumor mill history is repeating itself as we find yet another bout of rumor-spreading akin to how StarCraft 2 whispers started, and this time it’s...
Nvidia bullied Ubisoft to remove DX 10.1 support in Assassin’s Creed patch?
A lot of us were fairly surprised to hear that Ubisoft was removing DX 10.1 support for Assassin’s Creed‘s PC version on its next patch....
Rumor: Assassin’s Creed PC requirements finalized
We can’t deny Ubisoft Montreal did a great job to make Assassin’s Creed look as good as we hoped for. The question is, what will...
Rumor: Elder Scrolls… Online? ZeniMax Media purchases new domain
Fans of the Elder Scrolls series would have to agree that one of its biggest draws would be the open-ended, sandbox type of gameplay that...
Rumor: Leaked document spills Battlefield 3 details
Fast approaching you is the startling tale of leaked documents and tadaa! Battlefield 3. A supposed confidential document containing information on the second installment, Battlefield...