Category: Hacks & Exploits

XMBController Plugin v1

Well, here’s a little something for those folks who want something to add something unique to their PSP’s control scheme. Mr305 has released the XMBController...

DeFlasher Edition No-Limits v5.0

DeadZone has released v5.0 of his DeFlasher application for the PSP. Now titled DeFlasher Edition No-Limits version 5.0, it seems you can now place an...

New ETA for PSP-Devolution: June 13

The team behind the much-talked about modchip PSP-Devolution said it best, “it’s taken longer than expected“. Those who have been following the development of this...

..:Flashi Flash:..

PSP developer marlon_ibz, the coder responsible for the up-and-coming Dragon Ball 3D homebrew game, has just dropped by the QJ.Net Forums to announce the release...

PSP-Devolution pushed back to May 18

More bad news for the folks hoping to get their hands on the PSP-Devolution “modchip“. It seems the sale of the PSP-Devolution chip has been...

Johny5 All-In-One Flasher v2.1

Johny 5 is alive! That last we heard of the homebrew developer was when he released his All-In-One Flasher v1.0 that was fresh right out...