Category: Homebrew Applications

PMP – PSP Media Player v0.06 Rleased

JiniCho has updated his PMP (PSP Media Player) to version 0.06. PMP is a homebrew multimedia player which is capable of playing AVI files in...

PSPBMC v0.992 for the PSP Released

Hage has updated his book mark transfering program for the PSP to PSPBMC v0.992.  This version includes a fix for the bug causing the the transferring...

Homebrew Web Browser Work in Progress

AnonymousTipster, creator of such games as ThrottleX and RoboTORN3D, has been putting his effort lately into a homebrew webpage browser for the PSP. This is a...

Dodgin’ Diamond II v0.5 for PSP Released

Deniska has released Dodgin’ Diamond II for PSP, version 0.5. This is a PSP port of Dodgin’ Diamond 2, ( little shot’em up arcade game...

GPSP v2 – GPS for PSP!

We recently reported on Art?s GPS for PSP application/mod, and he has re-released his GPSP program and documentation including a detailed parts list and do-it-yourself...

GPSP (GPS front end program for PSP)

One of our users who calls himself ?Art? has done some really impressive work turning the PSP into a GPS navigation system. He provides the...

PSP Hacking 101 Episode 8: 2.0 Reloaded

Pox and Ragable have done it again, and created another fine episode to their PSP Hacking 101 series of videos. PSP Hacking 101 are very...

Tuyo Kiss v2.11 Released for the PSP

PSP RK has just released the latested version of Tuyo Kiss, v2.0. Tuyo Kiss is an interactive graphic novel for the PSP, unfortunately, all in...