Category: Mods

iPhone skins for the PSP and the DS

Out of context or not, the Steve Jobs “garbage compared to this” quote still ruffled some feathers. Though it shouldn’t be surprising that an exec...

Use 3 AAAs to power your PSP

Neubit of AcidMods notes that the next time he travels and his PSP runs out of batteries all he has to do is pop in...

Sunday night driving in a scooter and PSP

We know the new PSP 3.10 Firmware has been decrypted, but knowing that Sony is right there, breathing down the homebrew scene’s neck, is exasperating....

Yeppa! It’s a-Me! The Mario-fied PSP

Mama mia! It’s a-Me! Mario! To be more specific though, it’s probably the most “Mario-fied” PSP on the surface of our planet. AndyMosh just posted...

The PSP phone mod, released! Wait…

Mods and chocolates – either way, you never know what you’re gonna get. We say this as we bring in news we found while we...

Video: Clear/Borg PSP case mod

We’re pretty sure you guys have a fancy case mod for your PSP already. You’ve got fur-lined, cow patterned, metallic, case mods. You’ve got shoulder...