Psychologist: Women play better Lumines than men
We previously covered a story about creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi claiming that his game is actually for everybody. It apparently was designed, with the help of...
Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII Screens
Ubisoft released a batch of new screenshots showcasing their upcoming air combat game Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII. The polygon count seems a little low...
MMORPG.QJ.NET Would like to hear from you
MMORPG.QJ.NET is still fairly new and we’ve been busy trying to find the most interesting and up to date content around. To date we have...
Everquest II, Achievement Abilities, and You
With all the ways to earn stats in EverQuest II one of the newer more unexplained features has to be Achievement Points. Any character that...
EverQuest II PVP changes announced
Well, if you haven’t gotten in a little bit of PVP action on EverQuest II since the PVP introduction, I suggest you give it a...
Stargate Worlds – Q&A
Website Stargate Game has scored an interview with John Kurtz, the lead world builder for Cheyenne Mountain’s in development MMO Stargate Worlds. The interview really...
Guild Wars: Factions FAQ updated
The days are ticking down to the release of Guild Wars: Factions, and there are plenty of questions and rumors flying around the net. To...
New Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest on Xbox 360?
Source: CVG Fantasy XIII and Dragon Quest IX will appear on both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, in an interview with Yahoo/Reuters of Japan. Once...
Don’t Be Fooled By Imitation PSP’s
Ever think you might save a buck or two by buying one of those cheap imitation PSP’s? Check out this video to see what you...
Madden NFL 06 In-Game Footage
Electronic Arts have released a new trailer consisting of in-game footage for the upcoming Xbox 360 launch title: Madden NFL 06. You can get it...