Hyshot III Ready for Launch
The newly designed Scramjet is scheduled to launch over Australia Saturday. The scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) known as the Hyshot III is a new type...
911 Caller Put on Hold by Vonage
No one likes to be put on hold – especially when your house is on fire! That’s what happened to Loren Veltkamp a homeowner in...
Take Me Out to the Video Game…
Games Media Properties, which launched the World Series of Video Games (WSVG) announced a partnership with Blizzard Entertainment (World of Warcraft, Warcraft III, StarCraft, Diablo)....
Pirates of the Burning Sea – Discussion with Russel Williams
Here is a discussion between GDC and Russel Williams, the Executive Producer of Pirates of the Burning Sea. Here he talked a bit about the...
Cingular Shuts Down TDMA and Analog
Cingular plans to shutdown both its TDMA and analog networks by 2008. Since Cingular get 95 percent of there traffic from its GSM network they...
Google Mars
Want to explore Mars? Well now you can without having to leaving the comfort of your home. Google just launched a mapping service called Google...
MMORPG Griefer Crucified In-Game As Punishment
Be careful what you do when you play online, because the punishment can be severe. But perhaps no sentence is as tough as the one...
Making Video Games in 24 Hours?
24 hours. Make a cellular phone game, win a prize. This is exactly what many undergraduate and graduate students accomplished in the Mobile Game Mosh, an annual video design...
Broadband in Space
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a tiny light detector that could one day permit broadband in space. The new light has...
Space Tourists
The race is on to see which private company can come up with the first rocket planes to take ordinary people in to space. Several companies...