Twilight Princess Speculation Rolls to a Stop
For awhile now fans of the pending release title Twilight Princess have heard a lot of speculation about the game. Previously, Europe’s NGC magazine stated...
Katamari Homepage Shutting Down Conspiracy
The Japanese Katamari Damacy website has begun its final countdown toward the site’s closure. Gamers familiar Katamari may remember that the last time the site...
Blazing Angels High-Def Gameplay Trailer
Ubisoft has presented us with a stunning high-definition gameplay trailer for the upcoming Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII. In it, you can see some extremely...
Tomb Raider: Legend – New Screens
There are those of us that believe Tomb Raider: Legends will be the game to return the series to it’s roots, to reclaim former glory,...
Kodak Racking up Awards with EASYSHARE V570
Rica wrote about the Dual Lens V570 from Kodak yesterday (in case you missed it), and it sounds like a pretty ingenious idea. Two lenses,...
Show us What You’ve Got
We’ve started a flickr group – QJ Photography – and we want to see your favorite photos. Show us the images that move you, that...
Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires reaches Gold Status
KOEI announced today that Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires has reached gold status. The game is scheduled to ship in North American on March 28th for...
Ubisoft denies “leaked” release schedule
A few days a leaked Ubisoft release schedule found its way to many gaming sites, and now Ubisoft is denying the contents of this schedule....
Nintendo Controller Into a Card Reader
Who says there’s no innovation in controller design? Zieak has turned an NES controller into a 12-in-1 card reader using nothing more than a Dremel,...
100 inch LCD panel
LG have developed a walloping huge 100 inch LCD panel. Not big enough you say? Well this monster dimensions exceed 2.2 meters (7.2 feet) wide...