Category: News

Activision to Trim its Ranks

In what seems to be a recent trend in video game companies, Activision is preparing to cut its staff. The lay-offs, expected to be about...

Is this the Revolution Logo?

From the Blitz Games corporate website comes an interesting logo. It has now been removed from the website, so it seems legitimate enough to believe...

Revolution base is a power supply

Future Publishings ‘Official Nintendo Magazine‘ has an article stating that the base of the Nintendo’s Revolution is actually a power supply. Could this mean that...

More Fake Revolution Interface Pics

Well, these pics are confirmed fake, but hey, they are fun to look at. Nintendogal has posted up the most recent in a series of...

Resident Evil Heading to the Revolution?

Minoru Nakai, producer of the forthcoming Resident Evil remake for Nintendo’s DS, has revealed that he’s currently involved with a project for the Revolution at...